港口海岸与近海工程学院: Branching and meandering tidal networks: field observations, mathematical modelling and laboratory experiments


题  目: Branching and meandering tidal networks:

field observations, mathematical modelling and laboratory experiments

报告人:AssociateProfessor Andrea DAlpaos, University of Padova, Italy

时  间:20161025(周二)下午:15:15-16:15

地  点:严恺馆502

报告内容摘要:Channel networks are ubiquitous morphological features of tidal landscapes that furnish preferential pathways for flooding and drying of intertidal areas and for the circulation of sediment and nutrients within the landscapes they dissect. Despite their importance in landscape evolution, tidal branching and meandering networks have received less attention than their fluvial counterparts, particularly in terms of the chief processes governing their initiation and evolution, their response to changes in the environmental forcings, and their meandering features.

In this talk I examine the main morphological features of tidal channel networks, highlighting analogies and differences with fluvial networks, together with their dynamic response to changes in the environmental forcings, on the basis of filed observations, mathematical modelling and laboratory experiments. In addition, on the basis of a similar multidisciplinary approach, I analyse the characteristics of tidal meanders which, in spite of their importance, wide occurrence, and influence on both the dynamics and on the stratigraphy of the platforms they cut through, lack the detailed inspection that has been dedicated to their fluvial counterparts. A relevant although unanswered question, that I will address, is whether or not theories and behavior mediated from the study of fluvial meanders can be applied to tidal ones.

报告人简介:Associate Professor Andrea DAlpaosresearch focuses on the mutual interaction and adjustments between physical and biological processes in estuarine landscapes. His research on the biomorphodynamic evolution of these landscapes includes understanding, through field observations, laboratory experiments and modelling, how biogeomorphic feedbacks contribute to shape coastal landscapes and how they drive system response to changes in the environmental forcing and to human interferences. He is author of more than 40 papers published in leading peer reviewed international journals and more than 50 papers published on the proceedings of national and international conferences. His academic h-index is 20 in Scopus.